"The driving force behind our ports is represented by the united and vibrant local maritime cluster at the heart of the Ports of Savona-Vado", declares Paolo Piacenza, in his first public opening speech as Government Commissioner, at the Savona&Vado Ports Focus held in Savona's Confederation of Italian Industry headquarters.
An event which kicked-off in May, with a full agenda of panel discussions designed to provide the major logistic and port stakeholders, together with the local authorities, a platform from which to illustrate the results achieved by the cluster, in terms of growth in volumes and economic impact generated for the local community, and to present the projects underway for the future development of the area.
"I wish to take this opportunity to extend my sincere thanks to the port terminal operators, the Dockers' Cooperative and all the workers who over the years have managed to face difficult challenges", continues the Commissioner. "The role of the public company, which I represent, is to plan, govern and implement major infrastructure facilities, with the prime objective to boost port volumes and employment. In this process, we are flanked by a port cluster which has invested heavily in the local community and has successfully capitalised upon its invaluable experience and professionalism. With the nomination of a Government Commissioner, the Port Authority can thereby ensure continuity in the development policies and infrastructure investment plan implemented across the Ports of Genoa, which will culminate in the publication of the new Port Masterplan. In fact, as proof of this continuity, I can cite the current completion of the public procurement award procedure of three major tenders dedicated to clean energy transition projects for a total of 20 million euros. Another tender will be awarded by the end of next month for a further 5 million euros. Whilst construction works have commenced in the 10 million-euro investment for the installation of on-shore power supply in the cruise passenger port of Savona."
The Government Commissioner Paolo Piacenza's concluding remarks: "We are aware that the challenges, which we will face along the roadmap towards the approval of the new Port Masterplan, will include a commitment to involving citizens from the start to ensure that the port is welcomed within the local community and not only tolerated."
Panel speakers at the Savona&Vado Ports Focus event included Marco Russo, Mayor of Savona, Admiral Piero Pellizzari, Maritime Director of Liguria and Giulio Piroddi, Commander of the Port of Savona Harbour Master, and representatives of the port cluster, President and Director of the local Confederation of Italian Industry, Angelo Berlangieri and Alessandro Berta, President of the Savona-Vado Terminal Operators Sector Giorgio Blanco, President of the Shipagents Association Fabio Pollero, and President of the Port of Savona-Vado Service Providers Association Gerardo Ghiliotto.