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24 November 2021
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The Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority President, Paolo Emilio Signorini, illustrated the Port of Genoa 2.3 billion-Infrastructure Investment Programme during the fourth edition of the International Conference "A Sea for Switzerland 4", hosted in Lugano on 24 November.

The Lake of Lugano provided the stunning backdrop to the 2021 edition of "A Sea for Switzerland", offering Swiss and international shippers and supply chain service providers the opportunity to consult with the leading players of the northern Italian port and logistic industry. The conference focused on the economic and financial prospects of the Canton of Ticino in relation to major infrastructure works newly opened or under construction, and the response of the Ports of Genoa, with a 2.3 billion investment programme, aimed at consolidating its position as centre of cargo handling excellence and as a modern logistic platform serving not only Northern Italy, but also the premier manufacturing and consumer centres in Switzerland. Following the welcoming addresses of the Swiss Ambassador to Rome, Monika Schmutz Kirgöz, the President of the Mare di Svizzera Committee Filippo Lombardi, the Mayor of Lugano Michele Foletti, the Mayor of Genoa Marco Bucci and the President of the Liguria Region Giovanni Toti, the conference proceedings kicked off, divided into four sessions. President Paolo Emilio Signorini was invited to chair the session "Preview Genoa 5.0", with an illustration of the key infrastructure works currently in progress in the Port of Genoa. Panel members included Gilberto Danesi, President PSA Italy, Gian Enzo Duci, Vice-President Conftrasporto and Riccardo Fuochi, President Propeller Club Port of Milan.

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