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05 August 2021
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Strong total port volumes in June

Total tonnage in the Ports of Genoa-Savona-Vado Ligure surged by 22% compared to June of the previous year. The strong performance registered across all cargo segments from March to June pushed volumes to an increase of 10.4% on the first semester of 2020, at 31,896,001 tons. Container throughput rose by 5.8% on the pre-pandemic era of 2019.

Container volumes handled by the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority terminals in the second term of the year increased by 37.9% compared to 2020, and by 6.3% on the April-June period of 2019, posting a record 757,972 TEUs. It is important to note that at this stage the Ports of Genoa and Savona have already returned to pre-Covid traffic levels, ahead of the 2024 projection which had been announced at the start of the pandemic. The first six months of 2021 registered a total of 1,434,114 TEUs, a 18.2% advance on last year's comparable period and a 5.8% increase on 2019.

The ro-ro and new vehicle traffic commodity sector displayed fast growth, reporting an increase of 32.9% on the corresponding month of 2020, and a 17.9% advance on the first semester of the year. Forest products in the Port of Genoa rose by 7.3% compared to 2020, whilst the dedicated terminal in Savona remains relatively stable at -1.4% on the previous year. The solid bulk industry performed strongly, rising by 17.4% on the first six months of 2020, reaching approximately 1.2 million tons. Project cargo throughput in the industrial port area rose by a staggering 240.6% in June and by 40,6% in the first semester of 2021.

Passenger traffic continues to suffer a severe setback amid the Covid-19 pandemic and the figures released are still far behind the volumes reported in 2019. In the first six months of the year Genoa, MSC's homeport, posted a total of 55,622 cruise passengers, whilst Costa's homeport in Savona, which resumed activities in May, reported only 19,422 passengers. June 2021 registered a total of 25,388 passengers in the Ports of Genoa and Savona. Ferry passenger traffic surged by 96.3% month-on-month, with a total of 185,949 passengers.

Traffic Ports of Genoa – June 2021 >
Traffic Ports of Genova e Pra' - June 2021 >
Traffic Ports of Savona and Vado – June 2021 >

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