The Italian Undersecretary of State for Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility, Giovanni Carlo Cancelleri, visits the Ports of Genoa
During a visit to Genoa, the Undersecretary of State, Giovanni Carlo Cancelleri, together with the MP Roberto Traversi, had the opportunity to inspect by boat Genoa's passenger hub and multi-commodity port facilities and breakwater of the Sampierdarena Basin, accompanied by the President of the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority, Paolo Emilio Signorini, who illustrated details of the project of the New Port of Genoa Breakwater currently in progress.
At a press conference at the Port Authority headquarters of Palazzo San Giorgio, Undersecretary Cancelleri underlined the strategic role of the new breakwater in the future development of the Port of Genoa and, consequently, in boosting the competitive edge of the Italian economy across the optimisation of the supply chain.