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15 February 2023
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The Port of Genoa welcomes the Ambassador of Thailand

The Port Authority President, Paolo Emilio Signorini, receives H.E. Rommanee Kananurak, Ambassador of Thailand to Italy, during the course of her first official visit to the city of Genoa since her appointment last year.

15 February 2023 - The visit, scheduled in the historic Port Authority headquarters of Palazzo San Giorgio, provided both parties with the opportunity to discuss the prospects for future growth in trade between Thailand and Italy, with a pledge to consolidate the strategic role of the Ports of Genoa and Savona-Vado as a modern logistics platform serving shippers’ tailored requirements. To date, the Ports of Genoa terminals handle 90% of food products imported to Italy from Southeast Asia’s second-ranking economy, which boasts an impressive 3.5% GDP growth forecast for 2023. President Signorini provided Ambassador Kananurak, flanked by the Royal Thai Honorary Consul of Genoa, Franco Novi, with an update on the 2.5 billion-euro wide-ranging infrastructure investment programme underway across the Ports of Genoa and Savona-Vado Ligure.

The meeting was followed by a site inspection by boat on the part of the delegation, accompanied by Port Authority officers, of the passenger port, terminal facilities in the Sampierdarena basin and the shipyard area in Levante.

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