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18 October 2019
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Ports of Genoa e Interporto di Padova insieme in CinaNew business opportunities with the Ports of Shenzhen and Guangzhou and the new Shunde Logistics Platform

From 10 to 14 October the Ports of Genoa and Padua Interporto joined forces on a trade mission in the Guangzhou region, one of the prime dynamic driving forces behind the Chinese economic growth. The visit follows on from the recent presentation of the Port of Guangzhou management hosted in the Ligurian capital and in Padua.

The Ports of Genoa capitalised upon their participation in the 13th edition of the leading China International Logistics Fair in Shenzhen to conduct site inspections of the Ports of Shenzhen and Guangdong, with a port presentation organised for the benefit of the vibrant Cantonese shipping community. Attendees included delegates from the major carriers operating along the China-Med trade route, namely, CMA-CGM, OOCL, MSC, ONE, Evergreen, Yang Ming, Hapag-Lloyd, Hyundai MM. The discussions focused on business opportunities offered by growing trade between Southern China and Southern Europe, channelled through the Ports of Genoa (premier Italian port in terms of volumes of traffic with China) and the Padua Logistics Operator (premier inland terminal in terms of rail traffic with the ports).

The Ports of Genoa can boost their competitive edge across the provision of direct rail connections with Basle and the extensive network of rail services offered from the Padua intermodal centre (24 trains/weekly to Genoa), to serve the entire industrial and consumer heartland of Northern Italy and the major Central European destinations in Switzerland, Austria and Southern Germany.

The feedback received from the Chinese operators was a commitment to boosting imports of high quality Made in Italy goods, also across the new logistics platform currently under construction in Shunde dedicated to the Italian manufacturing industry and e-commerce.

PressThe Ports of Genoa and Padua Logistics Operator together in China ({docidfileslight}616{/docidfileslight})

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