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19 February 2019
40 seconds of reading time

PSA Voltri-Pra has officially launched the new truck management system.

The new truck management system, TMS, launched by PSA Voltri-Pra, is set to manage in real-time incoming trucks to the international zone of VTE, minimising the impact of queues and delays at the terminal’s Freight Office.

The system was officially presented by PSA Voltri-Pra to the road-haulier associations and has been designed to improve safety conditions inside the terminal area. Specifically, during peak-hour traffic, the system is equipped to prevent the access of further lorries by directing them towards a buffer zone where the vehicles can safely await and the drivers can receive updates on their status by SMS, following registration of personal details at the Freight Office, so they are ready to move to their designated site when the area is clear.

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