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19 February 2024
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New urban road infrastructure at the Port of Vado Ligure opens on schedule. The road link has been designed to ease traffic across Vado, whilst optimising port gate management of heavy vehicles in/out of Vado Gateway container terminal.

Today marks the inauguration of the urban road link opposite Vado's Molo 8.44 Shopping Centre, across the removal of a level crossing barrier and the construction of a new viaduct from the central Via Aurelia bis tunnels. The road infrastructure, commissioned by the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority, has been completed perfectly in line with the project timeline and is set to play a strategic dual role for both the port and the city alike. Truckers will benefit from a dedicated road link towards the intermodal port logistic terminals, with improved port gate management, thereby cutting transit times, and which will simultaneously also have positive repercussions on the urban centre by easing congestion in Vado. In addition, a public green redevelopment plan has brightened up the area in question, previously in a partial state of abandon, and a new parking facility, for up to 120 vehicles, will shortly be available for residents.

The challenging construction works which kicked off in December 2021, and which were phased in to cause minimum disruption to traffic, have been successfully carried out by the companies Fincosit e Giuggia Costruzioni, a 20-million euro infrastructure investment project funded by the Port Authority.

Today's ribbon-cutting ceremony was attended by the Ports of Genoa Government Commissioner Paolo Piacenza and by the local Savona and Vado Ligure public authorities.

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