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21 April 2020
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Vado Gateway donates multiparameter monitors to Savona’s S.Paolo Hospital

APM Terminals, which operates the Vado Gateway Container Terminal, has donated 10 modular multiparameter devices to the San Paolo Hospital in Savona to support patient monitoring during the Covid-19 public health emergency

The donation, which also includes 20 wristbands to monitor blood pressure and 10 mobile stands for the multiparameter devices, represents an important boost to the medical equipment available at the Infectious Diseases and Internal Medicine Departments dedicated to the care of Coronavirus patients.

To assist the medical staff in their daily battle on the coronavirus frontline”, announced Paolo Cornetto, Managing Director of APM Terminals Vado Ligure.

Download APM Terminal Vado Ligure Press Release ({docidfileslight}988{/docidfileslight})

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