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24 September 2018
1 minute and 26 seconds of reading time

Opening inaugural ceremony of the Via della Superba, the new port roadway for incoming and outgoing trucks.

The new port roadway, Via della Superba, will be used exclusively by trucks in/out of the Port of Genoa and will be deployed to connect the western basin with the eastern basin of Sampierdarena, thereby easing the congestion which has been building up in certain parts of the city in the aftermath of the collapse of the Morandi Bridge and facilitating the movement of heavy goods vehicles across the port

The inaugural ceremony was presided over by Admiral Nicola Carlone; Giovanni Toti, President of the Liguria Region; Marco Bucci, Mayor of Genoa; Paolo Emilio Signorini, President of the Port Authority of the Western Ligurian Sea; Cdr Domenico Napoli of the Port of Genoa Coastguards and Edoardo Rixi, Italian Vice-Minister for Transport and Infrastructure. 

As of 19 September, the northbound section from San Benigno to Via Tea Benedetti, running along the right bank of the Polcevera River and spanning towards Bolzaneto, is open to trucks; in addition to the slip-road connected to the flyover by the airport which leads into the A10 Motorway Exit of Genova-Aeroporto. 

The road, which cuts across the Sampierdarena port area and the ILVA industrial zone, will be momentarily accessed through an opening in Via Siffredi, until the Via Avieri d’Italia flyover has been refitted. It is estimated that approximately five hundred trucks per day will be entitled to use the new roadway. 

Plans are now afoot on the part of the Port Authority to open the new Port Ponente Customs Gate which will be used by heavy goods vehicles of international freight, as entrance and exit point to the Via della Superba.


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