Strategies, reforms and innovation at the centre of conference proceedings at LetExpo in Verona, the annual event focusing upon the challenges and opportunities identified by the logistics and maritime...
The “Ex Barche Porta”, three derelict ships which had been abandoned in the port, have been successfully demolished by Genoa’s San Giorgio del Porto shipyard, a model for best practices for safe and...
State-of-the-art Infrastructure, digitalisation and administrative simplification are key drivers to boost globally the competitive edge of the Ports of the Western Ligurian Sea. A sizable investment...
Two cities with an age-long seafaring tradition meet to share examples of best-practice and know-how in port activities. A delegation of the Port of Kobe-Osaka, led by the President Kido Takfumi, visited the...
The Blue Agreement has been signed by the Port of Savona-Vado Ligure, the voluntary agreement stipulated by local public authorities and private operators of the maritime cluster to reduce carbon dioxide...
The Genoa Blue Agreement, the voluntary agreement designed to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from passenger and freight ships calling at the Port of Genoa, has been renewed. Amongst one of the first ports in...
As works for the construction of the Port of Genoa's New Breakwater proceed underwater, measures are taken to safeguard in full the marine ecosystem.
The Association, which groups together the Mediterranean Cruise Ports, launches its New Year activities from Genoa across the Professional Development Course organised in cooperation with MSC Cruises.
On 30 October construction works commenced in Genoa’s cruise and ferry hub for the installation of new shoreside power facilities to enable passenger vessels, docking at the terminals, to switch off the...
A delegation of the Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN) of the European Parliament, led by Chair Karima Delli, visited the capital of Liguria on a fact-finding mission to receive an update on the major...
The Western Liguria Sea Port Authority wins the prestigious 2022 Reporting Oscar for the “Best Sustainability Report” in the category “Public Body and Industry Association”, promoted by FERPI (Italian...
Lugano's LAC Conference Centre provided the stunning backdrop to the fifth edition of the forum "Mare di Svizzera", offering landlocked Swiss shippers and supply chain service providers the unique opportunity...
Port President Paolo Emilio Signorini invited by the University of Genoa to deliver a lecture to students enrolled at the "Management for Energy and Environmental Transition" Master Degree course of the...
Once again the integrated environmental and quality management systems of the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority have been successfully certified, in compliance with ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 9001:2015...
Site inspection for forthcoming installation of shore power facility in Genoa's cruise and ferry passenger hub.
7 April 2022 - On behalf of the Ports of Genoa, Paolo Piacenza, Secretary General of the Port Authority, took part in the panel discussion featured at the Costa Cruise event organised on board the Costa...
The new Costa Crociere LNG-powered flagship homeports in Savona.
EIB promotes climate action by providing €300 million to finance Port of Genoa expansion This is the first EIB operation in Italy for a project co-financed by the government with resources from the Recovery...
The Port of Genoa’s multipurpose terminal is upgrading its handling equipment to serve the latest generation of post-Panamax vessels.
During the 53rd edition of the Barcolana Sailing Race in Trieste, President Signorini took part in a collateral event "Innovate ports to innovate cities", addressing the issues linked to sustainability and...
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