Sunday, 22 December 2024

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08 March 2022

The new Costa Crociere LNG-powered flagship homeports in Savona.  

29 October 2021

Savona's Palacrociere Terminal hosted the 2021 annual Italian Cruise Day, Italy's unrivalled cruise sector event with the participation of the leading industry players and professionals.

11 September 2021

Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti dedicated the entire day to the Western Ligurian Sea Ports, and seized the opportunity to meet with the shipping community in both Vado, at the APM Vado Gateway Terminal, and in...

30 July 2021

Today, 30 July, the local authorities signed the Port of Savona-Vado Ligure Masterplan: the signatories featured the President of the Liguria Region Giovanni Toti, President of the Province of Savona...

14 July 2021

Port Authority presses ahead with the Genoa Investment Programme: publication of calls for tenders for 5 major infrastructure works. Over 150 million euros committed since 2021

02 July 2021

The new Costa Firenze, inspired by the sublime beauty of Florence, the cradle of the Italian Renaissance, was presented on 2 July in the Port of Savona ahead of her maiden voyage of 4 July, as a symbol of...

25 May 2021

Fun and laughter with the children from the Paediatric Hospitals of Genova Gaslini and San Paolo of Savona for the 2-day event organised by the Ports of Genoa, in cooperation with the Harbour Master, to...

01 May 2021

Costa Cruises' LNG-powered green flagship, Costa Smeralda, sets sails from Palacrociere Terminal for the first 2021 cruise.

21 April 2021

Savona hosted the christening ceremony and maiden call of Eco Savona, the fourth unit of the Grimaldi Green 5th Generation (GG5G) hybrid ro-ro ship fleet, equipped with the technology to cut emissions in port...

13 February 2021

Costa Cruises has opened up Terminal 2 of Palacrociere, in response to the nationwide Italian Silver Vaccination Day campaign, following an agreement undersigned by the local public health authority, ASL 2...

03 November 2020
Status: Tender award Access: Access Investment Programme: Standard Importo complessivo: 3000000,00 Inizio lavori: sadsad Fine lavori prevista: asdasdas Attività: Lavori in corso Affidatario: CMCI S.c.a r.l. CONSORZIO STABILE - CROCCO EMANUELE S.R.L. - ENGIE SERVIZI S.P.A. Codice opera: P.3115 - Manutenzione opere impiantistiche

Il progetto prevede le manutenzioni straordinarie delle opere marittime nei bacini portuali di Genova, Pra', Savona e Vado Ligure. (Data ultimo aggiornamento: Dicembre 2024)

15 September 2020

Preparations are underway to restart cruise operations in the West Med, with the return of Costa Smeralda in the homeport of Savona. The first departure is scheduled for the forthcoming 10 October, the day in...

07 August 2020

Central and local government approve the Decree of the Minister for Infrastructure, Paola De Micheli, releasing 906 million euros to fund 23 major port infrastructure works across Italy.

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Ports of Genoa

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