Work continues offshore on the New Genoa Breakwater, with the second block of columns under construction and 600,000 tons of gravel already deposited on the seabed.
Official presentation of the Masterplan of Savona's waterfront and signing ceremony for the preliminary funding of 20 million euros.
High-performance lighting, improved visibility for safe working conditions at night, low power consumption. These are the solutions provided by the installation of the new public lighting in the Port of...
On 30 October construction works commenced in Genoa’s cruise and ferry hub for the installation of new shoreside power facilities to enable passenger vessels, docking at the terminals, to switch off the...
The CLIA European Cruise Week disembarks in Genoa from 11 to 14 March 2024, firmly establishing Genoa as cruise capital of Europe.
The Ports of Genoa and Savona-Vado rank as the major logistics platform in the Mediterranean serving the southern-northern supply chain route across Europe, in particular, land-locked Switzerland, which this...
The construction of the 850 columns is in its final stages, with a total of 370,000 tons of gravel laid on the seabed. Work on the second block of columns is now set to commence.
The first 720 metres of the 1.8-km Genoa Pra' Dune waterfront promenade now reopens to the public.
Operations proceed smoothly at the Port of Genoa's underwater site for the construction of the open-sea breakwater.
Genoa, 29 June 2023 – Details of the new Undersea Road Tunnel were unveiled today at the landmark headquarters of the Port Authority, Palazzo San Giorgio, alongside the announcement that works have officially...
Planned retrofitting activities to the Cesare Imperiale Viaduct, the 300-metre waterfront promenade connecting Ponte dei Mille to Ponte Andrea Doria in Stazioni Marittime’s cruise terminal area, accessed by...
Signing Ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding on the 100 million-euro Vado Ligure port and infrastructure investment plan. A focus on economic development, sustainability and employment.
Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority and Per Genova Breakwater Consortium led by Webuild launch the project in the presence of Italian Infrastructure and Transport Minister Matteo Salvini. The Genoa’s New...
Construction works commence to expand the dockside container yard at Bettolo Terminal, the first step towards the transition from multi-quay to single quay line at the Port of Sampierdarena.
A delegation of the Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN) of the European Parliament, led by Chair Karima Delli, visited the capital of Liguria on a fact-finding mission to receive an update on the major...
Dredging operations are underway in Savona to increase the depth across the Palacrociere cruise terminal navigation channels to cater for the arrival of the next-generation ships.
From Renzo Piano's blueprint to the busy building site, the Port of Genoa's new Control Tower is under construction in the Levante Waterfront. The foundations of the building, designed to accommodate the port...
Dredging operations speed up alongside the cruise and ferry terminal quays to ensure completion ahead of schedule and prepare to accommodate in full safety the passenger ships scheduled in Genoa for the busy...
Inauguration of the new Pionieri e Aviatori d'Italia Viaduct across via Siffredi.
The new linear landscaped Dune Urban Park designed to function as a visual screen and noise barrier between PSA Genova Pra' container terminal and the adjacent residential urban fabric, takes shape. The...
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