The New Breakwater of Genoa
The methodological process: design alternatives
The methodological process adopted in 2020 for the study of the design alternatives initially made it possible to conceive, once the functional design criteria in relation to navigation safety and wave protection of the terminal facilities had been established, the possible alternative designs of the new breakwater, and then to select the optimal solution on which to focus the comparative analysis.
This required a multidisciplinary approach through which the various problems and critical issues that a maritime facility of such importance and size poses from a technical, functional, environmental, constructive and economic point of view were addressed in an organic and correlated way. Three alternative solutions were therefore selected and submitted to the attention and examination of the Public Consultation.
The process led to the preference of design solution 3,chosen by the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority, the client of the work, in relation to the indications presented, as part of their interventions, by the Port Authority, the Pilot Corps and the technical-nautical services of the Port of Genoa.