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02 October 2019
45 seconds of reading time

incontro con autorità maltesePresident Paolo Emilio Signorini was pleased to welcome at the Headquarters of the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority Joseph Bugeja, the Chairman and CEO of Transport Malta, the government authority responsible for land, sea and air transport on the Mediterranean island

The meeting was scheduled across the Maltese delegation's official visit to the Marine Hydrographic Institute in Genoa, and included the participation of the Harbour Master of the Port of Malta, Capt. David Bugeja and the Port's Chief Hydrogaphic Officer, Joseph Bianco.

During the discussion, the top management of the two port authorities had the opportunity to address a number of issues of port development which both the Ports of Genoa and Malta have in common, namely, the ports' strategic role as cruise hub in the Mediterranean, and the pursuit of a comprehensive environmental programme aimed at a further harmonisation of port/city relations in compliance with the requirements of recent eco-sustainable policies.

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