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20 October 2022
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German logistic service companies on fact-finding mission in the Ports of Genoa

Italy-Germany: the great appeal of the Ports of Genoa, Savona and Vado Ligure for companies located in the Southern German catchment area.

The Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority and Promos Italy (Italian Agency of Chambers of Commerce) have joined forces in the organisation of a series of marketing events to forge closer ties between the Italian and German chain supply industries. Within this framework, the Ports of Genoa received a delegation of senior management from leading logistic service companies based in Baden-Wurttemberg.

Palazzo San Giorgio, the historic headquarters of the Port Authority, provided the backdrop to a presentation of the full range of services offered by the Ports of Genoa, Savona and Vado cluster, with the participation of the Port President Paolo Emilio Signorini, the Regional Councillor for Manufacturing and Port Activities Andrea Benveduti and the Board Director of Promos Italy Massimo Giacchetta, who illustrated the sizable port infrastructure investment programme underway and the Ports of Genoa's strategic role as a reliable supply chain partner for import-export companies based in Southern Germany.

Smart cargo solutions, intermodalism, innovation and sustainability were at the heart of the discussion: an exchange of know-how which can lead to closer ties and forms of collaboration.

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