The exterior
At a glance

In 1570 the palace underwent radical expansion and renovation works that profoundly changed its original appearance. The new building developed towards the sea and had a compact and homogeneous external shape, with the façades decorated according to the style of Genoese Renaissance architecture, including a spectacular fresco decoration. At the beginning of the 17th century, the protectors of the Bank of Saint George decided to entrust Lazzaro Tavarone with the task of frescoing the seaward façade of Palazzo San Giorgio, replacing a previous decoration completed by Andrea Semino in 1591, which had failed to meet the approval of the city’s notables.

The restoration carried out by Tavarone began in 1606 and ended in 1608.

Since then, on the seafront façade of Palazzo San Giorgio, figures such as Saint George and the Dragon, Janus, Neptune, Caffaro, Andrea Doria, Simone Boccanegra, Guglielmo Embriaco, Christopher Columbus and Biagio Assereto have been recognisable, symbolising the power and wealth that Genoa had acquired over the centuries through its maritime prowess.

The subsequent restoration of the Palazzo’s façade dates back to 1912 and was carried out by Lodovico Pogliaghi, who, on behalf of the Autonomous Port Consortium, repainted the decorations on the seaward-facing façade. They were later reinstated by Raimondo Sirotti in 1992 during the Columbus celebrations.

Works of equal importance, including a 16th-century aedicule and a plaque dedicated to Nazario Sauro, are also located along the remaining three sides of the Palace.

It should be noted that in front of the north façade, located at a lower level than Piazza Caricamento, the remains of black and white columns - part of the early 16th-century expansion - are preserved. Additionally, there is a small doorway above which faded traces of 15th-century frescoes can still be seen.

In the discovery of the exterior
The façade overlooking the sea

Christopher Columbus (1451/1506)

Christopher Columbus was born in Genoa in 1451, son of Domenico Colombo and Susanna Fontanarossa.

There is little information about his childhood, what is certain is that he began sailing at a very young age, probably at the age of fourteen. He soon devoted himself to commerce, serving the Genoese families Centurione, Di Negro, Imperiali and Spinola. His travels took him to Lisbon, where he moved temporarily. Returning one last time to Genoa to get married, shortly after the wedding he moved with his wife Filipa Moniz Perestrello to Madeira, where he attempted to devote himself to trade in his own name, with little success. Finally, from Madeira he moved back to Portugal. As is well known, Christopher Columbus had to face struggles and rejections before obtaining approval for his project. What is certain is that an agreement was made with the Spanish monarchs on 17 April 1492. Columbus departed from the port of Palos de la Frontera on 3 August of that year, with a ship named Santa Maria, and two caravels, the Pinta and the Niña. On 12 October, Columbus landed on an island in the Bahamas, baptised by Columbus himself with the name San Salvador. After the fourth voyage he then decided to retire to private life in Valladolid, Spain, where he died in 1506.

Andrea Doria (1466-1560)

Andrea Doria was born 15 years after Christopher Columbus (Oneglia, 1466) and became Admiral of the Mediterranean Sea, sailing for over fifty years in the service of kings and emperors. He devoted himself to a military career and in 1512 assumed command of the Genoese troops until the city was conquered by the Spanish in 1522. After a brief period in the service of the French, Doria restored the Republic of Genoa in 1528.

Simone Boccanegra (1363)

He was the first Doge for life in the history of Genoa. With his appointment, dated 1339, the age of perpetual Doges and popular hegemony that characterised the government of the Republic of Genoa began.

Guglielmo Embriaco (second half of the 11th century – first half of the 12th century), known as “Testa di Maglio”, the founding ancestor (d. 1102) of the Embriaci family; leading an expedition organised by Genoa, he landed in Jaffa in 1099. Tradition credits him with playing a major role in the conquest of Jerusalem, having conceived a mobile tower during the siege.

In 1101 he conquered Tyre and Caesarea, obtaining as spoils of war a large vase (the Sacred Basin) in which it was said that Jesus had eaten the paschal lamb, and which is kept in the treasury of the Church of San Lorenzo in Genoa.

Caffaro (1080-1164)

Caffaro was the author of the Annals, a very valuable source for reconstructing the Genoese Middle Ages. He enlisted with Guglielmo Embriaco to go to the rescue of Godfrey of Bouillon and his crusaders.

Biagio Assereto (1383-1456)

He was born in Genoa, towards the end of the 14th century. In 1423 he was appointed chancellor of the Republic for the first time.

In August 1435 he was at the head of the Genoese fleet, sent to help the garrison of Gaeta, besieged by the Aragonese, although his appointment was opposed by the Genoese aristocracy. On 5 August 1435, in the waters of Ponza, he defeated the enemy fleet, capturing King Alfonso, his brother John of Navarre, Prince Henry the Navigator, the Viceroy of Sicily, and many other Neapolitan and Aragonese nobles.

The victory of Ponza marked the apogee of the fame and glory of Assereto. But the greatest recognition came from Milan and Genoa. In 1435 he was given the fief of Serravalle; Genoa also honoured him, giving him in perpetuity one of the keys to the treasure taken from Alfonso of Aragon and placed in the cathedral of Genoa.

In the discovery of the exterior
The plaques

In the portico that in medieval times was used as the main entrance to the palace and which overlooked the Ripa Maris, on the top of the ogive of the central portal we find incorporated into the wall the plaque in Latin that tells the story of the foundation of the building. The Italian translation of the text is located to the right of the jamb.

Below is a 13th-century lion’s head which, according to tradition, comes from Constantinople.

Two other epigraphs recall events that are linked to the history of the palace. The first attests to the presence of Marco Polo who is said to have dictated Il Milione to Rustichello da Pisa at Palazzo San Giorgio.

The second dates back to 1632 and reports the prohibition of asking any minister (read official) for rewards beyond the right taxes. In front of the north façade, located at a lower level than Piazza Caricamento, the remains of black and white columns - part of the early 16th-century expansion - are preserved. Additionally, there is a small doorway above which faded traces of 15th-century frescoes can still be seen.

In the discovery of the exterior
Works of Art

Aedicule of Our Lady of the Assumption

At the back of Palazzo di San Giorgio in the part towards Piazza della Raibetta there is the aedicule of the Madonna Assunta dating from the 18th century.

Two winged angels offer trays full of flowers to the Virgin whose statue kept in the niche is protected by an iron grate. Under the undulating pediment a shell and two cherub heads stand out.

Above, two other winged cherub heads accompany the curl of the profile. Higher up, two angels in flight hold the large crown of the Madonna Queen of Genoa.

At the top, the monogram of Mary carved in a floral bowl with sunburst dominates the golden canopy, decorated with floral friezes. On the cartouche the epigraph: “Viciniae Opifices / Sibi Svisqve”. From the Alizeri documentation, there was also additional lettering: “Pulchra ut Luna”, which has now disappeared.

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