The document
The strategic Port Organisational Plan
The Port Organisational Plan is a strategic document, focused on the current and prospective analysis of port work, published by the Port Authority, in compliance with former Article 8 of the Italian Law of Port Reform 84/94 as amended by Legislative Decree No. 232/2017, which states that the Port Authorities are required to adopt: the Workforce Plan of the terminal operating companies, referred to in Articles 16, 17 and 18, upon approval of the Management Committee and consultation with the Advisory Commission, on the basis of the business plans, workforce and workforce requirements of the terminal operating companies, referred to in Articles 16 and 18 and the workforce of the entity referred to in Article 17. This Plan, subject to annual review, is valid for three years and serves as a strategic document for the identification and analysis of labour requirements in the port and does not bind the holders of authorisations and concessions, referred to in Articles 16 and 18, without prejudice to the relevant business and port volumes plans. On the basis of the Plan, upon consultation of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport and the National Agency for Active Labour Policies, the President of the Port Authority adopts operational plans of intervention for port labour aimed at vocational training programmes for retraining or reconversion and reallocation of the personnel to other tasks or activities in the port area".