Port Work Monitoring

The Port Authority, together with the other public administrations, is firmly committed to safeguarding workers’ health by monitoring port work, in compliance with current regulations.

The responsibilities of the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority, with regard to occupational health and safety, are outlined in the Italian Law of Port Reform No. 84/94:

  • Article 6, paragraph 4 objectives and purposes, letter a) "The Port Authority is also vested with powers of order, also with regard to safety concerning the risks of accidents related to activities and workplace hygiene pursuant to Article 24;
  • Art. 24, paragraph 2 bis: Without prejudice to the powers of the local health authorities with territorial jurisdiction, and to the powers of the district maritime health offices of the Ministry of Health, the Port Authorities have the power to supervise and control compliance with personal health and safety provisions and the related administrative police enforcement.

Safety and healthcare in the workplace are a priority for all, and this is displayed not only in compliance with safe and correct behaviour in the performance of one's work, but also in the establishment of the optimal conditions for this to occur.

Port Inspection
Verification and Control Activities

With reference to work safety, the port represents an environment with a high degree of complexity, due to the coexistence of operational and professional workers and the multi-diversification of services and activities that are carried out.

The Port Authority of the Western Ligurian Sea, in compliance with the obligations set forth in Article 24, paragraph 2 bis of Italian Law 84/94 and subsequent amendments and integrations, has introduced an extensive system of checks and controls in accordance with the provisions in force on safety and workplace hygiene in the Port of Genoa.

This epicentre of this system is the port inspection corps of administrative police composed of - as per Decree No. 1359 of 7 December 2006 published by the former Port Authority of Genoa - a total of 18 units comprising (given the specifications of the port and the size of the area) a team assigned to the supervision of the shipyard area - Industrial Port Inspection Office - and two teams assigned to the patrol of the cargo/passenger-handling area – Commercial Port Inspection Office -, one allocated to the area between the Old Port of Genoa and the Sampierdarena Basin (area1) and the other team dedicated to the Port of Prà-Voltri (area2).

The port inspection corps, available 24/7, is responsible for checks on health and safety conditions, state inspections in synergy with dedicated authorities and, marginally, environmental emergency responses. The port inspectors carry out an essential role in the successful implementation of prevention and safety policies.
The Port Inspector Corps is operational from Mon. to Fri. from 6.30 a.m. to 8 p.m., and on Saturday mornings from 6.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. The service operates on call during the remaining time slots.

Planimetria aree di azione ispettori

Tel. : +39 335 599 8300
Indirizzo e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tel. : +39 335 582 1540
Indirizzo e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tel. : +39 335 582 1541
Tel. : +39 366 687 1224* (*Per il solo regime di reperibilità)
Indirizzo e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Training Safety First

The "Safety First" basic training courses, in compliance with the Port Authority President Ordinances No. 1 of 10 February 2000 and No. 4 of 17 May 2011, are designed to activate a cultural and behavioural model of awareness of the activities conducted and to promote workers’ awareness of the risks inherent to the port workplace. They do not in any way replace the training activities (courses, handouts, specific information etc.) that are the responsibility of the employer, as required by law.

The organisation of training courses on the part of the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority is managed by an insider team of senior training experts, together with the Port Authority Medical Officer and qualified technical officers of the PSAL (Prevention and Safety at Work) ASL3 Genovese Porto and the Port Chemical Officer with experience in work safety best practices.

Safety First Agenda and Programme of Basic Training Courses

The core contents of the compulsory course, divided across 16 hours of training over four days, are dedicated to the risks associated with working in ports. The following topics are illustrated and discussed in depth:

  • Organisation and layout of the Port of Genoa (general information)
  • Security in of port operations and services (port cycle information)
  • Risks associated with port activities and operations
  • General prevention and protection measures
  • Supervisory bodies (who to notify in the event of a risk/accident)
  • Occupational health and environmental hygiene profiles

 Download the Program

Edition No. 139 of the Basic Training Course Safety First - La sicurezza prima di tutto was held from Monday 15 to Thursday 18 April 2024 at Palazzo San Giorgio, via della Mercanzia 2, Genova.

Check this page periodically for an update on new course dates.
Edizione n.140

Safety First Teaching and learning resources

The presentations used during the courses are available, in PDF format, at the following links:
AdSP Safety First
ASL3 Corso neoassunti portuali
Le merci pericolose

Safety First Video tutorial

The course is compulsory and addressed to newly hired and/or temporarily employed personnel assigned to port terminal and service companies registered in the Compulsory Registers of Authorised Companies pursuant to Art. 16 of Italian Law No. 84 of 28 January 1994 and subsequent amendments.
The course takes place at Palazzo San Giorgio, via della Mercanzia 1, Genoa, headquarters of the Port Authority of the Western Ligurian Sea.

Emergency Vehicle Access Procedures

By decree of the Government Commissioner of the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority, Paolo Piacenza, the new emergency vehicle access procedures have been adopted in the Port of Genoa, including the Ship Repair area of the Navalmeccanica di Levante, the cruise and ferry hub in the Old Port, the cargo terminal area of Sampierdarena (Italian Decree No. 183 of 6 March 2024) and the container terminal of Genoa Pra'. (Italian Decree No. 184 of 6 March 2024).

The elaboration of the new emergency procedures is the result obtained by the Technical Task Force established by the Port Authority with NUE112 and the 118 Emergency Service, which also includes the Genoa Fire Brigade Provincial Command, the Harbour Master's Office, and the S.C. (PSAL ASL3) The new provisions introduce a technological update of previous procedures, combining the installation of dedicated road signs for emergency services with the use of modern geolocation systems at the port terminal gates, which facilitate immediate identification of the location of the distress call. By mapping the port area of Genoa and Pra', the main port terminals have been located and identified with a progressive numerical code, associated per sub-area to a precise entrance gate, in order to create a network of access points and predefined routes for first aid. To complement this, specific signage has been drafted, clearly and simply showing the procedures to be followed during an emergency call and the correct topography to be given to NUE112 operators. In addition. the Port Authority is responsible for the management of the emergency response across its security services.

Ai varchi portuali di Savona e Vado Ligure sono presenti schede di dettaglio dei percorsi varco/terminal che vengono fornite al personale soccorritore prima dell’ingresso in porto. All’interno di ogni singola scheda sono riportati i recapiti telefonici del terminal, nonché le dotazioni antincendio (idranti, estintori, attacco motopompa, etc. ) e le tipologie merceologiche trattate in quell’area portuale. In caso di ingresso dei mezzi di soccorso dai varchi portuali presidiati da guardie particolari giurate alle strette dipendenze dell’Adsp, il personale di security provvederà a consegnerà le schede di emergenze.

Numero di emergenza: 112
Capitaneria di Porto di Savona: +39 019 856666
Polizia di Frontiera Marittima: +39 019 840021

Prevention and Protection
Hygiene and Safety Committee

In compliance with Art. 7 of Italian Legislative Decree 272/99, legislation governing personal safety in port operations and shipbuilding activities, the Hygiene and Safety Committee, established by the Port Authority, is authorised to propose prevention and protection measures for occupational safety and hygiene in ports.

The Hygiene and Safety Committee periodically convenes to engage in the continuous improvement of health and safety conditions in the workplace.

In specific and exclusive circumstances, experts from private companies or other public administrations are also invited to attend Committee meetings.

The Committee encourages participation and consultation between stakeholders. The meetings and minutes of the Hygiene and Safety Committee are an integral part of the direct involvement of the port cluster, and the results of the meetings are and the initiatives taken are - where appropriate – published

Regulation of the Occupational Hygiene and Safety Committee in compliance with Art. 7 of Italian Legislative Decree 272/99 - Genoa Port Area

At the Port of Savona-Vado Ligure, an independent committee, chaired by the Director of the Port of Savona, who acts as Chairman of the local Health and Safety Committee has been established.

Art.6, paragraph 4 of Italian Law 84/94 and subsequent amendments
Ordinances, protocols, regulations

The Port Authority of the Western Ligurian Sea, in compliance with the provisions of Art. 6, paragraph 4 of Italian Law 84/94 and subsequent amendments and additions (endowed with ordinance powers in safety with respect to risks of accidents related to activities and hygiene conditions at work pursuant to art. 24), has introduced a set of provisions and ordinances aimed at regulating safety in the port.

For a comprehensive overview of port security, please visit the official websites:
Genoa Harbour Master’s Office
Savona Harbour Master’s Office

Please note that the current procedures for emergency vehicle access within the port area can be found in Emergency Procedures