Info - ContactBuzzi Unicem S.P.A.
Banchina 12/13 - 17100 Savona, Italy
Tel: +39 0198554293
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Depth: 7,5
Operating capacity: Unloading rate up to 300t/h
Banchina 12/13 - 17100 Savona, Italy
Tel: +39 0198554293
Click here for location
Buzzi Unicem is an international Group focused on the production of cement, concrete, building materials and similar products.
The Group's annual production capacity is equivalent to 44 million tons of cement and about 12 million/cubic meters of concrete. In Italy, the Group operates 12 cement plants (of which 4 grinding plants) and more than 160 concrete plant. The terminal in the port of Savona is equipped for unloading, loading and storage of bulk powdered raw materials.