Info - Contact
C. Steinweg – GMT

Via Scarsellini, 119 - Torre B - 16149 Genova (GE) - Italy
Tel. +39 010 4697611
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Genoa: Ponte Eritrea
Calata Mogadiscio

Total: 100,000 sqm
Warehouse: 30,000 sqm

Length: 925 m, including ramp for ro-ro vessels
Depth: 11 m

4 Cranes
5 Reach stackers
40 Forklifts
20 Semi-trailers
4 Spreaders
2 Pivoting coils

500 m rail link


C. Steinweg-GMT S.r.l. is located in Genoa as Regional Office of the Rotterdam-based Steinweg Group for Central Med, Adriatic Coast and North Africa. The company is the leading metal logistics operator in Italy, and GMT has been a member since 1992. Specialised in forwarding, warehousing, transport and distribution of the full range of commodities, the company’s core business focuses on non-ferrous metals, ferro-alloys, scrap and steel.

The company warehouses in Genoa, Trieste and Livorno are licensed by the LME, and by ICE for coffee in Genoa and Trieste. C. Steinweg-GMT also operates in the Ports of Salerno, Ravenna and Gaeta and branch offices in the Ports of Koper, Rijeka, Bar, Belgrade, Thessaloniki, Casablanca, Alexandria and agents in Ploce, Split and Durres.

The company provides clients with worldwide access to a premier door-to-door service integrated across a network of Steinweg offices in 110 locations in over 40 countries.