Info - Contact
Silomar S.P.A.

Ponte Etiopia - 16149 Genova (GE) - Italy
Tel: +39 010 6420311
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Genoa: Ponte Etiopia

19,969 sqm
Capacity: 79 tanks – 79,300 m3

Ponte Etiopia Levante
Length: 210 m
Depth: 9 m3Ponte Etiopia Testata
Length: 145 m
Depth: 10 m
Ponte Etiopia Ponente
Length: 210 m
Depth: 12,5 m
Calata Massaua
Length: 130 m
Depth: 7 m
Ponte ex Idroscalo Ponente
Length: 240 m
Depth: 11,3 m

14 pipelines from warehouse to berth
12 loading truck areas with 80 pumps
3 thermic power stations with a total capacity 7,200,000 Kcal/h
1 nitrogen distribution plant

RNE standard template


Silomar Terminal is equipped to offload, store and handle vegetable oils and fats, mineral oils and bulk chemical products with a flash point superior to 61 degrees. Due to the highly specialised nature of this trade, the company’s main clients are the national and international chemical producers who import raw materials or semi-processed chemicals through the terminal.

The terminal offers a wide range of services backed up by UNI EN ISO 9001:2008, UNI EN ISO 14001:2004 and BS OHSAS 18001:2007 certifications, and is well equipped to service the specialised chemical product traffic.

The terminal offers five berthing points served by 14 stainless steel pipelines leading to 79 tanks, 70% of which in stainless steel, and its total storage capacity is 79,300 cubic metres.

Moreover, Silomar features a railway sidetrack: located inside the shore installation and 215 metres long, it is equipped with a loading/unloading system and with two platform scales.

Total throughput at the terminal during 2016 reached more than 380,000 tonnes with a total of 67 ship calls.

Furthermore, Silomar is the majority shareholder of the Depositi Costieri Savona S.p.A., a stainless steel shore installation located in the Port of Savona.