Info - ContactVernazza Autogrù S.R.L.
Via Renata Bianchi, 90 – 16152 Genova
Tel:+39 010 010 410 11
Indirizzo Savona: Corso Svizzera angolo Via Frumento – 17100 Savona
Indirizzo Polo logistico: Strada di scorrimento Veloce 11 – 17047 Vado Ligure (SV)
Click here for location
The Company, certified ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 and operating on the Italian market since 1946, today plays a leading role in several sectors such as hoisting, exceptional transports and overheads works using platforms.
Vernazza Autogru operative units, based in Northern Italy and France, offer their customers an expanding technical fleet of more than 150 vehicles and special equipment, including the powerful telescopic crane Terex-Demag AC-800, with a capacity of 800 tons, the tracked crane CC 2800 and a platform that can reach the height of 103 meters.