Construction and management of dangerous goods storage area

The terminal operator and/or port company intending to construct and manage an area for the storage of dangerous goods in the port area of Genoa, Pra', Savona and Vado Ligure must submit a specific application to the Port Authority via telematic means through the Single Public Administration Window (Sportello Unico Amministrativo - SUA) where the reference regulatory documentation (Regulations and Ordinances) is also available.

Transit and temporary parking of dangerous goods

Article 22 of Legislative Decree no. 272/99, relating to the modification of health and safety rules for workers in port activities, requires Port Authorities to determine the schedules, boundaries, and procedures for managing the transit and temporary stay of hazardous materials in port zones to guarantee the safety of the port as a collection of state assets managed by the Authority.

In accordance with this decree, the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority has arranged the essential organisational and regulatory elements.


Dangerous goods operating cycle

In the ports of Genoa and Pra', the temporary stopover and transit of hazardous materials in designated storage areas require authorisation from the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority through the submission of the necessary applications outlined in the “Regulations” (set forth by Order no. 4 of 22 May 2001, as amended and updated).
The five approved parking zones for the short-term storage of hazardous materials are:

Individuals participating in the Dangerous Goods operational process can electronically submit applications via the SEA-GATE Port Appliance portal after requesting service activation from the Traffic and Dangerous Goods Office, which will issue access credentials (username and password).

Refuelling operations

Companies carrying out bunkering operations for vessels and port machinery/vehicles that, because of their technical specifications, cannot refuel from a permanent facility must file a request (Ordinance no. 4/2008) in a legal manner with the Traffic and Dangerous Goods Office, including the necessary documentation listed in detail.

For further information
Traffic and Dangerous Goods Office
Tel.: +39 010 2412375 - 2690 - 2672
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

In the port area of Savona and Vado Ligure, the authorised terminals directly manage access to the gates, handling and any parking of dangerous goods within their concession areas.

For further information
Direzione Ufficio Territoriale di Savona
Savona Regional Office Security, Environment and Territorial Protection Office

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Execution of thermal source works

Work involving the use of thermal sources (oxyacetylene mixtures, oxyhydrogen flame, electric welding) to be carried out in the maritime port areas under the competence of the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority must be communicated in advance to the Administration.

The employer must review the application of existing health and safety regulations at work and assess the adequacy of its own Risk Assessment Document prior to sending the communication.


To initiate work involving open flames on land within the maritime port state property areas of Savona and Vado Ligure, communication must be made by completing the designated Form Communication on the use of open flameson land and submitting it via PEC This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
For additional details, please reach out to the Security, Environment, and Territorial Protection Office of the Savona Regional Office at the following email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.