Wednesday, 03 July 2024

Ports of Genoa


    Ports of Genoa: quality and environmental audit successfully completed

    Ports of Genoa: quality and environmental audit successfully completed Once again the integrated environmental and quality management systems of the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority have been successfully certified, in compliance with ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 9001:2015 requirements, following the audit and ......

    New E-port mobile app launched

    New E-port mobile app launched
    The digitalisation of the port and supply chain moves rapidly ahead in Genoa, with the launch of the new PCS mobile app designed to improve the provision of services to the haulage industry.

    Port of Genoa security system contract awarded

    Port of Genoa security system contract awarded The tender to upgrade and reinforce security infrastructure in the Port of Genoa has been contracted to R.T.I. Infratech Consorzio Stabile

    Easylog: smart gate system at VIO Intermodal Terminal

    Easylog: smart gate system at VIO Intermodal Terminal The EasyLog EU Project, co-financed by the Interreg Italy-France Maritime European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), which includes the active participation of the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority alongside the Chambers of Commerce of ...

    Road-haulage: New digital PCS E-port services

    Road-haulage: New digital PCS E-port services Data exchange digitalisation in the Port of Genoa presses ahead with the introduction of automated gate systems for road-hauliers. As of today, truckers can benefit from a renewed mobile App, with a range of digital services which provide......

    The Ports of Genoa focus on digital: the first steps of the E-BRIDGE project

    The Ports of Genoa focus on digital: the first steps of the E-BRIDGE project The Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority, UIRNet and Circle implement a last-mile railway dashboard that provides information to operators in real-time, thereby optimising rail freight flows to/from the Ports of Genoa

    Launch of the online digital Rhine Alpine Talks

    Launch of the online digital Rhine Alpine Talks Today the first edition of a series of digital events - "Rhine Alpine Talks" - organised by the EGTC (European Grouping for Territorial Cooperation) Interregional Alliance for the Rhine-Alpine Corridor, for an exchange of experiences and in......
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