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08 February 2020
24 seconds of reading time
The 16,700-teu container ship Evelyn Maersk, calls at PSA Genova Pra' terminal

La più grande portacontainer Maersk a PSA Genova Pra'' opens

The container ship, 398 metres long and 56 metres wide, is the largest vessel to be deployed in the AE 20 AM1 (Dragon) scheduled liner service operated by the Maersk/MSC/Hyundai/Hamburg Sud alliance, and sails from the flowing ports across China, Southeast Asia and the Mediterranean: Pusan, Dalian, Xingang, Yantian, Singapore, Salalah, Malta, Valencia, Barcelona, Fos- Sur- Mer, Genoa, La Spezia, Gioia Tauro, Beirut.

The AE 20 AM1 (Dragon) service has been calling regularly at the PSA Genova Pra' full-container terminal since summer 2015.

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