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07 July 2023
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Admiral Pellizzari at the helm of the Port of Genoa

During the ceremony marking a change of command at the Liguria Maritime Authority and the Port of Genoa, with the handover from Admiral Sergio Liardo to the newly appointed Admiral Piero Pellizzari, the outgoing Admiral, in his farewell speech, declared: "My term of office in Genoa has been rich and rewarding and I leave with regret, although I am excited for the new important challenges that await me on the horizon. Memorable professional and personal experiences will remain ingrained in my heart."

In his address, he recalled that the Ligurian capital ranks amongst the major ports in Italy and in the Mediterranean, covering a total of 6 million sqm of land and 14 million sqm of seawater.

Admiral Liardo underlined the central role played by the Coast Guards in guaranteeing on-board ship safety and in the authorisation procedures for the construction of the new Open-sea Breakwater planned in the Sampierdarena basin. In addition, he highlighted the importance of the vibrant shipping community-based in Genoa, a port undergoing a phase of monumental change, spearheaded by the close cooperation forged between the Maritime Authority and the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority. "From here 44 thousand ships and 3 million passengers arrive and depart safely and efficiently every year. It is thanks to our activity, which we perform in silence and with rigour in collaboration with the marine service providers, that this can successfully take place."

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