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29 July 2022
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Site inspection for forthcoming installation of shore power facility in Genoa's cruise and ferry passenger hub.

The team of engineers of the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority and Nidec ASI SpA, the company contracted to plan and build the new shore side electricity facilities, have completed the on-site inspection to identify the optimal location for the installation of the new power generation unit in the passenger port of Genoa. At this stage, plans are afoot to go ahead with the implementation of the executive design and to kick off with the construction works by the beginning of next year.

The provision of shore side electricity to cruise and ferry ships forms part of a far-reaching scheme undertaken by the Port Authority in 2018 to accelerate the transition of the Ports of Genoa and Savona-Vado Ligure towards the deployment of cleaner energy. Onshore power supply is already available in Genoa's Ship Repair area and at the PSA Genova Pra' container terminal. With the introduction of cold ironing, ships calling at the port can switch off the generators and plug into a shoreside electrical power grid, with a subsequent sharp reduction in carbon emissions and noise pollution across the adjacent urban areas.

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