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29 January 2024
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Genoa Leads in the Yacht Service Industry: Numbers that Count

The Genova For Yachting Association unveils facts and figures of the Annual Market Report published by the European House Ambrosetti on the socio-economic impact of the Genoa-based yacht service industry. Fast growth and forthcoming development plans firmly establish Genoa's leadership at the helm of the global yachting industry. The Government Commissioner, Paolo Piacenza, highlights the Port Authority's firm commitment to boosting the strategic role of the sector across the New Port Masterplan underway.

Genoa's yachting service industry's strong performance continues to create added-value and employment for the local economy and to draw major international events to the city. This is the data released by the European House Ambrosetti in a report commissioned by Genova For Yachting, an association which groups together 60 dedicated companies catering for the full range of specialised yachting services in the Port of Genoa.

In 2022 industry revenues totalled 500 million euro (+50% on 2021), with the creation of 2500 new jobs and a contribution to the Liguria Region GDP estimated at 181 million euros. Approximately 1800 yachts called in Genoa over the year, for a total of 70,000 berth days and 12,000 crew members on attendance. The upward trend has been reconfirmed for 2023 and the market outlook is optimistic, pointing to continued future growth across the industry, thanks to the close cooperation between the private and public sectors and the implementation of the major infrastructure investment programme and New Port Masterplan underway set to project the position of the Ports of Genoa and Savona-Vado over the next 30 years.

In his address, the Port Government Commissioner Paolo Piacenza declared: "The Port of Genoa boasts 70 dedicated companies, employing over 6500 workers which generate annual revenues of over 300 million euros, with long-standing experience and expertise in ship construction and ship repair, yacht refitting and sustainable ship breaking and recycling. In support of this thriving industry, the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority is completing the major infrastructure works in progress, namely, the redevelopment of the drydocks in the Ship Repair Area, the optimisation of the layout of the technical and waterfront marina facilities and the construction of the new breakwater. Public investments carried out by the Port Authority, which plans and governs port land and infrastructure concessions, are essential drivers in attracting private investment and new business."
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Commissioner Piacenza 's full address.

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