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11 October 2018
1 minute and 22 seconds of reading time

The Italian Minister for Infrastructure, Danilo Toninelli, and EU Commissioner for Transport, Violeta Bulc, met in Genoa to discuss the aftermath of the Morandi Bridge collapse.

The 8 October 2018, following the summit held in Prefettura, Genoa’s Central Government Institution, EU Transport Commissioner Violeta Bulc made the following statement: “Europe is ready to do its part. Genoa is a crucial node, as the southern port of call of the Rhine-Alpine Corridor which includes the Terzo Valico (third railway line across the Apennines), and for this reason the Commission proposes an extension of the Ten-T core network corridors, with the inclusion of the Genoa-Marseilles rail line.” 

Minister Toninelli declared: “This is the Europe we like. We greatly appreciate the message of solidarity of the European Union. Our mission is to build quickly and safely a bridge over the Polcevera river. With the new Road and Motorway Safety Agency, the State will regain control of its infrastructure.” 

The Toninelli-Bulc summit was followed by a meeting with the Mayor and newly-appointed reconstruction Commissioner, Marco Bucci, the Governor of the Region of Liguria, Giovanni Toti, and the President of the Ports of Genoa-Savona, Paolo Emilio Signorini. President Signorini stated: “We are satisfied with the outcome of this morning’s meeting: at the Prefettura headquarters an understanding was reached with Minister Toninelli, Commissioner Bulc, Governor Toti, Mayor Bucci and our Port Authority.” 
The Transport Commissioner reiterated the EU’s commitment to the Port of Genoa, the potential to fund European projects compatible with EU guidelines, for instance, on the promotion of digitalisation, and she recommended maximum focus on “rail”, that is, shifting cargo from road to rail transport.

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