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15 November 2023
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High-performance lighting, improved visibility for safe working conditions at night, low power consumption. These are the solutions provided by the installation of the new public lighting in the Port of Savona-Vado Ligure.

The installation of the lighting towers, up to 50 metres high, is underway in the common user areas in the Ports of Savona and Vado. The works in progress foresee both the introduction of new high-performance lighting and the upgrade of existing lighting systems: 165 new led projectors on 11 buildings, 20 floodlights and 21 new lighting towers, across 20 km of electrical cables. Upon completion, the new lighting solutions will provide maximum visibility for operations at the gates, yards and quaylines.

The project forms part of a far-reaching plan underway in Savona and Vado Ligure to boost the competitivity of the ports across an improved accessibility by sea, road and rail, whilst addressing the pressing issues regarding overall port sustainability, with specific reference to the introduction of the clean energy transition. In fact, the new public lighting dovetails with the Green Ports Projects funded by the PNRR (Italian Recovery and Resilience Plan), currently being tendered, which are set to lay the foundations for the development of Italy's first port sustainable energy hub, powered by solar panels and smart grid networks for the storage and distribution of the renewable energy produced.

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