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02 September 2020
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Ports of Genoa in Lloyd's List Top 100

The Ports of Genoa, Savona and Vado Ligure of the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority features in the Lloyd's List One Hundred Container Ports ranking for 2019

The Ligurian Port and Gioia Tauro are the only two Italian ports to appear in the 2020 edition, outlining last year's annual container throughput figures of the world's elite port facilities.

China maintains its dominant position in the industry, with Shanghai at the helm of the port ranking, registering 43.3 million teu, followed by Singapore at 37 million teu, whilst Ningbo held onto third position with a volume increase of 4.5%. The Ports of Genoa reported total container throughput of 2.6 million in 2019, consolidating its leadership as Italy's premier gateway port.

More Information:
Lloyd’s List One Hundred Ports 2020

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