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08 January 2021
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A new breakwater to enlarge the manoeuvring basin and the transit channel for ships in the historic basin of the Port of Genoa and allow the port to continue to play a central and dominant position in national and European markets, conforming to the best models in the sector.

The plan for the construction of the new infrastructure was presented today, which by replacing the previous breakwater will guarantee a new port entrance and a new manoeuvring space for ships and allow the port and terminal operators to also accommodate large container and cruise vessels, adapting to the needs of the major shipping companies.

The technical-economic feasibility study of the work, illustrated in an information dossier, containing three project alternatives with different solutions and breakwater development plans, was officially presented by the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority in a press conference at the presence of the main national and local authorities.

From the suggestive Sala del Capitano of Palazzo San Giorgio, headquarters of the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority, the President of the Authority Paolo Emilio Signorini, the President of the Liguria Region Giovanni Toti and the Mayor of Genoa Marco Bucci intervened and were followed by the interventions of Admiral Nicola Carlone, Maritime Director of Liguria and Commander of the Port of Genoa and Marco Rettighieri, Responsible for the implementation of the "Extraordinary Program of urgent investments" of the Port of Genoa, and by the technical reports of Antonio Lizzadro, Project Manager of Technital SpA and Responsible for the project and Andrea Pillon, Coordinator of the Public Debate on the realization of the work. The meeting ended with the intervention of the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Paola De Micheli, in streaming from Rome.

The construction of the breakwater was considered unanimously as an absolute priority for the competitiveness of the Port of Genoa, the main hub of the transport and handling system of goods in Italy and in Europe.

Due to the national, European and global relevance of the work and in compliance with the implementation decree of 25 August 2018 on the Public Contracts Code of 2016, the work was subjected to the evaluation and comparison through a public debate, that marks a historical moment for the use of this tool in Italy, used for the first time under the provisions of the new law.

The project aims to present the new breakwater project to the public and to collect comments and proposals to allow the proposer of the work, the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority, to improve the dossier and evaluate its feasibility.

The process is open to the City and to all stakeholders involved and is organized so that all interested parties can receive complete information on the project, request and obtain clarifications from the project designers, indicate critical issues or issues to be explored and propose improvement solutions.

The event on 9 January was the first of 4 public online events, open to citizens and main stakeholders involved in the implementation of the project and will continue throughout the month of January and the first week in February.

> Download Press Release
> Download Factsheet on Public Consultation
> Download Factsheet On The Work: The New Breakwater In Genoa

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