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30 November 2018
37 seconds of reading time

On November 9, 2018, PSA Voltri-Pra activated the e-delivery order for import containers.

With this new technology, the paper delivery order becomes digital, allowing road-hauliers to expedite procedures at the VTE Office of Goods and obtain direct access to the entrance gate. This service can be accessed by introducing a PIN code in one of the PC Totems at the Office of Goods.

The e-delivery order, available on Genoa’s Port Community System, coordinated by the Port Authority of the Western Ligurian Sea, is the result of the collaboration between the UIRNET-managed high-capacity electronic platform, the PSA Voltri-Pra terminal, the shipping line CMA CGM, and the association of freightforwarders SPEDIPORTO.

This service is now available to all companies who wish to adopt it for their import containers.

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