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21 May 2021
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Following the meeting held on-site in Vado Ligure, the Vice Minister for Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility, Teresa Bellanova, continued her visit to the Ports of Genoa, in the landmark building of Palazzo San Giorgio, headquarters of the Port Authority, after a boat inspection of Genoa's multi-commodity port facilities.

Senator Bellanova, accompanied by the Rt. Hon. Raffaella Paita, President of the IX Transport Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, met with the President of the Liguria Region, Giovanni Toti, Mayor Marco Bucci, Admiral Nicola Carlone and senior management of the local shipping community in the magnificent room of Sala del Capitano. The President of the Port Authority, Paolo Emilio Signorini, took the opportunity to illustrate details of the range of major infrastructure works and provisions outlined in the Port of Genoa's sizable Investment Programme.

The Vice Minister, after having listened to the invaluable insights provided by the participants, expressed her firm commitment to working together with all the leading players of Italy's economic recovery, in which the Ports of Genoa and Savona-Vado are set to consolidate their strategic role, towards the successful completion of the infrastructure projects underway.

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