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Dredging activities Ponte Nino Ronco, Dredging activities along with the mouth of the Polcevera River westside Ponte Nino Ronco. (Last refresh date 16.09.2022)   Click to listen to the article Dredging activities Ponte Nino Ronco, Dredging activities along with the mouth of the Polcevera River westside Ponte Nino Ronco. (Last refresh date 16.09.2022) Powered By GSpeech

Dredging activities Ponte Nino Ronco

Codice opera: P.3142
Titolo progetto: Dredging activities Ponte Nino Ronco
posizione geografica-progetti:
Stato di avanzamento:
Start Works 
End Works 


Importo complessivo: €1,150,000.00
Attività in corso:
  • Start date, 1st quarter 2022
  • Completion date , 3rd quarter 2022
Affidatari: ICAM - Impresa Costruzioni Appalti Marittimi | Fratelli Parodi Srl
Annualità: 2021-01-01

Dredging activities along with the mouth of the Polcevera River westside Ponte Nino Ronco.

(Last refresh date 16.09.2022)

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