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20 April 2023
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Construction works commence to expand the dockside container yard at Bettolo Terminal, the first step towards the transition from multi-quay to single quay line at the Port of Sampierdarena.

Genoa, 20 April 2023 - Today, the foundation stone was laid for the expansion of Bettolo Terminal at the inaugural ceremony organised on-site at the Port of Genoa-Sampierdarena. The project forms part of a far-reaching range of major infrastructure works aimed at upgrading accessibility both by sea and by land and at optimising cargo handling at the port, to boost Genoa's strategic position in the Mediterranean as a modern logistics platform serving southern and central Europe.

The contract undertaken, awarded by the Port Authority to the Carlo Agnese SpA construction company for the value of 10 million euros, includes engineering and drainage works, the installation of crane runways, the foundations for reefer racks and a new terminal high-mast lighting system and the overall enhancement of quay load capacity. The construction timeline was prepared in unison with Bettolo Genoa Mediterranean Gateway to ensure minimal disruption to terminal operations for the full duration of the works, first phase targeted for autumn 2024 completion and second phase by the beginning of 2026. The planned container terminal infrastructure works amount to a total 307 million euros, which break down into 27 million euros of public funds and 280 million euros invested directly by the Bettolo terminal operating company, MSC.

The other major infrastructure works underway in the Port of Genoa-Sampierdarena, alongside the completion of the Bettolo Terminal, include - landside - new road infrastructure on-site to provide direct links between the terminal facilities and the motorway network, rail yard expansion and direct rail links with the Genoa Campasso-Terzo Valico (Third Rail Link across the Apennines) Junction, the new layout of the Mineral Oils Dock and - berthside - the construction of the Breakwater which is scheduled to commence on 4 May 2023.

Paolo Emilio Signorini, President of the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority, declared: "Today's ceremony celebrating the official start of construction works at Bettolo, together with the laying of the foundation stone of the new open-sea Breakwater on the forthcoming 4th of May, mark a truly historic moment for the future of the Port and the City of Genoa, heralding the transition from the outdated multi-quay layout, towards the redevelopment of a new modern long single quay. Our plans are all in place to upgrade the Port of Sampierdarena's competitive edge to cater for ultra-large-scale vessel requirements, in line with today's state-of-the-art ports which handle high volumes of cargo and operate to tight deadlines. Thanks to the major infrastructure works in progress, the leading players of the international shipping industry are consolidating their position in the Ports of Genoa, such as MSC which continues to invest heavily in facilities and equipment and continues to bring increasing volumes of trade to Genoa."

Soren Toft, CEO of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, underlined: "The Port of Genoa and Italy play a strategic role for the MSC Group, both in terms of growth in traffic volumes and in terms of the provision of chain supply services. Our 280 million euro investment plan, which flanks the public funds released to sustain the infrastructure works at Calata Bettolo, go in this direction. Bettolo is set to become a state-of-the-art terminal equipped to accommodate the largest modern ships in the world. I wish to thank all the authorities and the port community that over the years have shown themselves to be firmly committed to the growth of the Port of Genoa. MSC Group is at your side because if together we capitalise upon the opportunities offered, we can boost the Port of Genoa's leadership in the industry and as centre of cargo handling excellence for maritime trade."

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