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23 August 2022
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From Cassa Depositi e Prestiti 31.5 million euro for the Ports of Genoa

- Financing agreed for infrastructure development through new road, railway and urban regeneration works
- The works concern the Nino Ronco Bridge, the Sampierdarena basin, the Ronco Canepa Container Terminal, the Genoa outer dam and the port terminal of Vado Ligure
- The investment has a positive impact in terms of local employment levels, with the creation of over 500 new jobs.

Genoa/Rome, 23 August 2022 - Improving port accessibility, both by road and rail, ensuring greater safety and contributing to urban regeneration. This is the objective of the 31.5-million-euro loan that Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP) granted to Autorità di Sistema Portuale (AdSP) del Mar Ligure Occidentale for the construction of some of the most significant development infrastructure works in the ports of Genoa and Savona. With regards to the Port of Genoa, the credit line will allow dredging works to be carried out on the Nino Ronco Bridge, the Sampierdarena basin and the passengers port: works aimed at restoring the depth of the seabed in order to improve seaworthiness and docking at the quay.

Furthermore, thanks to CDP's financial support, the Ronco Canepa Container Terminal will be expanded, with the construction of a new quay and a shipyard. Finally, the restoration works of the Genoa outer dam will be completed, following the damages sustained due to the storm surges of recent years. As for the Savona area, the loan is intended for the upgrading of the railway fleet of the port terminal of Vado Ligure, an area where containers transiting through the port are loaded and unloaded on freight trains. With these funds, then, the restoration of the outer dam works (piers and dams for the port's defence) will be defined for both the Vado and Savona basins.

The loan has a pre-amortisation period up to 31 December 2024, paid at a variable rate, and a 12-year amortisation period paid at a fixed rate.

As evidenced by a recent study on the impact analysis of the planned works schedule, investments for the development of the port infrastructures of Genoa and Savona are capable of generating over 500 new jobs. In addition to Liguria, other regions will benefit from the construction of these works, given that the companies that have been awarded the contracts also come from Lombardy, Lazio and Piedmont. The transaction, in addition to complementing the provisions of the PNRR for the AdSP Mar Ligure Occidentale, strengthens the collaboration between CDP and the Authority for the development of the ports of Genoa and Savona-Vado Ligure. Infrastructures, together, make up the most important Italian port hub, as confirmed by the data for 2021, a year in which over 63 million tons of overall traffic were recorded, with the handling of containers (2,781,112 TEU, + 11.3% compared to 2020 and +4.2% compared to 2019) which turned out to be the highest ever recorded by the same port system. In addition, the traffic of rolling stock on the sea highways has regained momentum, up 11% compared to 2020, while specialised traffic has recorded an increase, year on year, by 16.8. Data that make it the Mediterranean terminus of the Rhine-Alps corridor: the gateway to Europe from the South.

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