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23 November 2018
41 seconds of reading time

In the aftermath of the Morandi Bridge collapse, CMA CGM speaks out in support of Genoa. “All ships have been reconfirmed”.

21 November 2018 – Paolo Lo Bianco, Managing Director of CMA CGM Italy spoke out in support of the Port of Genoa during the 40th anniversary celebration of the French shipping line. He was flanked by the Senior Vice President Mathieu Friedberg who illustrated the company’s strategic business plan for the forthcoming five years: “We will focus on services – more quality and customer care – digital transformation and logistics.”

In Italy, CMA CGM employ over 200 people, 75% of which work in the Italian headquarters in Genoa. “Traffic will continue to grow”, commented Lo Bianco, “and we will not suffer any repercussions from the collapse of the bridge.” CMA CGM offers regular liner services from the Spinelli Group - Genoa Port Terminal.

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