In response to the conclusions of further in-depth analysis conducted during the executive design phase to evaluate wave climate, across advanced ship manoeuvre simulation systems and mathematical models, a variation to the layout was identified for an optimised use of the new East and West harbour entrances.
To the east, it has been ascertained that a combination of the reduced length of the outerwall and a review of the angle of the inner wall can reduce the intensity of wave action along the deepwater navigation channel and expand the width of the turning basin, thereby improving safety and generating a reduction in construction costs.
To the west, an extension of the outerwall and reduction of the innerwall, point to a subsequent expansion of both the width of the harbour entrance and the radius of the turning basin, to allow ships up to 270 metres in length to manoeuvre in full safety This variation to the layout is set to provide an alternative harbour entrance into the Sampierdarena basin, to the current single entrance from the east. It will henceforth be possible to redistribute incoming and outgoing vessels across two separate harbour entrances.