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22 June 2022
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Port Authority joins the Consular Corps global event in Genoa

At the first meeting organised on 21 June by the Ligurian Capital's thriving Consular Corps in the former stock exchange building of Palazzo della Borsa Valori, "Genoa in the World. The World in Genoa", the Ports of Genoa were invited to take part in the networking event hosted by the 54 Consul General and Honorary Consuls posted in Liguria, Italy's second-ranking consular corps in terms of the high number and strategic importance of the countries represented.

The gathering was structured to foster business opportunities and cultural exchanges, with the objective to both highlight the international vocation of Genoa and promote and market the city worldwide.

In the Sala delle Grida, consulate staff showcased leading products and services on site and across B2B meetings with Ligurian companies. Appointments were scheduled both in person and by remote on a dedicated virtual event platform developed by the Confederation of Ligurian Industry, in force until 5 July. Key topics discussed included shipping, transport and supply chain, hi-tech, food and agriculture, and tourism. In the course of the day, the Ports of Genoa welcomed the opportunity to reach out to import/export companies from Asia to South America and to consolidate established industrial and trade relations with the European countries.

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