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27 February 2024
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Ports and Cities of Genoa and Guangzhou renew cooperation

An official delegation of the Chinese Port of Guangzhou, led by the Director General Sun Xiuqing, met with Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority management and conducted a site inspection of the Ports of Genoa cargo terminal facilities.

The visit was organised alongside a meeting hosted at the City of Genoa headquarters between the Mayors of Guangzhou and Genoa. In fact, the premier gateway to South China is the only metropolitan area with which Genoa has forged a Sistership Agreement with both the City and the Port. Strategically located along the Pearl River Delta, the world's largest urban area, Guangzhou is one of the major drivers behind the nation's strong economic growth and the entire area groups together over 100 million inhabitants and three major ports, (Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Guangzhou) which handle jointly a total of 65 million TEUs.

Traffic volumes between the Ports of Genoa and the Pearl River Delta metropolitan area continue to grow, and South China ranks as the Ports of Genova, Savona and Vado's leading trading partner: premier importer of consumer goods and major destination of Italian quality exports.

During the visit, both parties pledged their support to boost further trade relations, with a focus on Italian exports, namely food and beverages, fashion and textiles, machinery and high-precision technological equipment. The meeting with the Port Authority was followed by a site inspection of PSA Genova Pra' and Vado Gateway by the Chinese delegation.

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