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01 June 2022
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On target, the Government Commissioner Paolo Emilio Signorini officially approved the technical and financial feasibility study for the project of Genoa's New Breakwater and today, 1st June 2022, the invitation letters to tender for the construction of the first phase of the major port infrastructure have been sent out.

The candidates will have 30 days in which to submit a bid, subject to evaluation, to be followed by the publication of the notification of award within the month of July, on schedule.

The Port of Genoa's 950 million-euro New Breakwater is the first of a group of ten government core infrastructure projects, considered vital to addressing longstanding economic challenges in Italy, to have received official approval on the part of the Select Committee of the Public Works Upper Council of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility and, at this stage, the contract is now already on course to be awarded, in full compliance with article 44 of the Governance Decree - Recovery and Resilience National Plan.

The new breakwater also ranks as the project central to the Emergency Investment Programme for the Recovery of the Port Genoa, as per article 9 bis of Decree-Law n.109 of 2018, which was enacted in response to the repercussions of the tragic collapse of the Morandi Bridge.

The Government Commissioner Paolo Emilio Signorini declared: "I wish to extend my sincere thanks to the Government for the continued support provided, firstly, in the release of funding for the building of the infrastructure and, subsequently, in the successful completion of the approval and authorisation processes governing the major Recovery and Resilience National Plan-designated project. We plan to return the confidence and trust placed in us by complying with the timescales of the contract awarding procedures. Within a few months, Genoa is set to embark upon the effective construction of the new breakwater."

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