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29 June 2023
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Genoa, 29 June 2023 – Details of the new Undersea Road Tunnel were unveiled today at the landmark headquarters of the Port Authority, Palazzo San Giorgio, alongside the announcement that works have officially kicked off following the final approval received from the Commission of the Upper Council of Public Works, the technical board of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, with the go-ahead to Genoa’s large-scale infrastructure project.

In attendance, the Port of Genoa President Paolo Emilio Signorini, Mayor of Genoa Marco Bucci, Liguria Region President Giovanni Toti, Vice Minister of Infrastructure Edoardo Rixi, CEO of Autostrade per l’Italia (ASPI) Roberto Tomasi and Architect Luigi Priano of the Renzo Piano Building Workshop, The plan for the Undersea Road Tunnel had initially been presented as far back as 1992 by the celebrated architect Renzo Piano, within the far-reaching waterfront redevelopment programme which at that time transformed Genoa’s Old Port. The tunnel, in fact, represents a further momentous step towards the completion of the successful urban regeneration of the Ligurian capital, with the challenging dual objective of connecting the east and westside of the city centre and improving city/port integration.

The construction of the new Undersea Road Tunnel, one of a wide range of major infrastructure projects launched by ASPI in recent years, is designed to ease urban traffic in the city centre, upgrading connections between the east and westside, and to reduce the noise and air pollution generated to date by vehicles transiting the Aldo Moro flyover which, with the future opening of the alternative route provided by the tunnel, is set to become the focus of a public consultation.

“Genoa’s transport and port logistic hub is enmeshed in the densely woven urban fabric, and the harmonious development of the city and the port depend heavily upon the achievement of seamless travel by road between the east and westside of the Sampierdarena basin on the part of residents, businesses and tourists alike,” declares the President of the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority Paolo Emilio Signorini. “The construction of the Underwater Road Tunnel is a strategic step in this direction, and represents a viable alternative for urban traffic and a decisive contribution to reducing heavy vehicle and passenger road traffic to/from the port.”


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