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15 January 2024
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Container yard expansion works,  in progress since April of last year at the Bettolo Genoa Mediterranean Gateway Terminal in the Sampierdarena Basin, move rapidly ahead.

The new layout of the terminal eastside is now clearly visible. The installation of runways for high-performing cranes to optimise container handling operations and slab beams to enhance quay load capacity is underway. To ensure minimal disruption to daily port operations, the infrastructure works westside will commence upon the closure of this construction site, scheduled for the end of the year.

The works in progress include engineering and drainage works, new crane runways, the foundations for reefer racks and a new terminal high-mast lighting system, and the overall enhancement of quay load capacity. The planned container terminal upgrade amounts to a total of 307 million euros, with 27 million euros of public funding and 280 million euros invested directly by the Bettolo terminal operating company, MSC.

The expansion and upgrade of the container facility forms part of a far-reaching range of major infrastructure works in the Ports of Genoa aimed at improving accessibility, both by sea and by land, and at optimising cargo handling across the terminals to boost the Western Ligurian Sea Ports' overall strategic position in the Mediterranean as a modern logistics platform serving southern and central Europe.

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