In April 2022 the Ports of Genoa, Savona and Vado Ligure handled 5,561,231 tons of total cargo throughput, a +4.3% advance on the corresponding period of 2021, and reported a total of 22,134,691 tons in the four-month period, up +10.5% compared to the previous year, and not far behind pre-pandemic levels in 2019 (-1.7%).
Specifically, the upward trend continues across containerised cargo, registering a 1.7% increase in April 2021, whilst the conventional general cargo segment experienced a slight downturn, with -1.7%. Mineral oils rose by +10.5% month-on-month and surged by +24.4% to a total of 6,548,923 tons in the four-month period of 2022.
The passenger count in the Ports of Genoa and Savona jumped to 186,540, although still well below pre-lockdown levels, and registered a total of 362,489 passengers across the January-April period. The additional easing of covid restrictions across the forthcoming summer season is cited as grounds for further optimism in an industry which is showing gradual signs of recovery.
Traffic Ports of Genoa - April 2022 >
Traffic Ports of Savona and Vado - April 2022 >
Traffic Ports of Genova e Pra' - April 2022 >