Ports of Savona and Vado Ligure Standard Investment Programme


The Ports of  Savona and Vado Ligure Standard Investment Programme is a balanced portfolio which groups together all the projects routinely implemented by the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority - including feasibility studies, design phases and construction works - to maintain and upgrade the basins of the Ports of Genoa.

In addition, the programme provides for specific extraordinary maintenance work on the seabed and infrastructure of the Ports of Savona and Vado Ligure in response to the damage caused by violent seastorms and the environmental impact of port operations, and to the requirements of the Planning Agreement of Vado.

It is possible to register as a supplier and apply for tenders published by the Ports of Genoa in E-procurement, the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority public procurement website.

The complete list of projects of the Ports of  Savona and Vado Ligure Standard Investment Programme are outlined here below:


> P.637-1 - Construction of common user facilities on Zinola public beach
> P.644 - Rerouting of Oil Pipelines along the Segno River by the Port of Vado Ligure
> P.665 - Port public lighting upgrade programme
> P.707 - River defence works along the Segno Creek
> P.703 - Upgrade of the Vado Ligure port gate
> P.708 - Molo 8.44: New Urban Road Infrastructure by the Port of Vado Ligure
> P.711 - Port of Vado Rail Terminal Expansion and Upgrade
> P.740 - Redevelopment of Calata Sbarbaro
> P.742 - New Vado Ligure Breakwater
> P.744 - Building maintenance works in the Ports of Savona and Vado Ligure
> P.746 - Road maintenance works in the Ports of Savona and Vado Ligure
> P.755 - Infrastructure works for the coastal protection of Vado Ligure
> P.756 - Restructuring of the port flyover in Savona
> P.758 - Maintenance works to the "Fortezza" rail tunnel
> P.767 - Rail maintenance works in the Ports of Savona and Vado Ligure
> P.768 - Restructuring of the breakwaters in the Ports of Savona and Vado Ligure
> P.769 - Restructuring at the Ferry Terminal Vado Ligure
> P.770 - L2 - Restructuring of yards in the Port of Savona
> P.773 - Restructuring of quaywalls
> P.775 - Coastal defence works to the Margonara area in Albissola Marina
> P.782 - Hydraulic engineering works to Sant'Elena Creek
> P.783 - On-shore Power Supply at the Cruise Terminal in Savona
> P.784 - Restructuring of operational areas of the Port of Savona
> P.786 - Restructuring of the rockfall barriers along Cape Vado
> P.787 - Upgrade of the level crossing in Vado Ligure
> P.788 - Emergency works to safeguard an area by the customs clearance gate in the Port of Vado Ligure
> P.790 - Aggradation of the Segno Creek
> P.3123 - Rail infrastructure maintenance works in the Ports of Genoa and Savona
> P.3124 - Road infrastructure maintenance works in the Port of Genoa
> P.3125 - Maintenance of civil engineering works in the Ports of Genoa and Savona 
> P.3080 - Maritime maintenance
> P.3115 - Plant maintenance

Interactive port infrastructure map