Genoa, 31 July 2024 - This morning the Government Commissioner Massimo Seno and the Deputy Government Commissioner Alberto Maria Benedetti, accompanied by the Maritime Director of Liguria and the Commander of the Port of Genoa, Rear Admiral Piero Pellizzari, boarded the SAR CP 288 tug to inspect Genoa's port facilities along the 22-km coastline, stretching from the shipyards eastwards to the Genova-Prà full-container terminal westwards.
The delegation, flanked by the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority Secretary General Paolo Piacenza and the Director of Port Planning and Development Marco Sanguineri, welcomed the opportunity to view on-site the full range of specialised terminals, in addition to the major infrastructure works underway designed to improve accessibility to the port by sea, by rail and by road. In fact, the visit by boat of the Old Port provided the recently appointed Government Commissioners with a clear understanding of the requirement to meet the future challenges posed by vessel upsizing and consequently to guarantee the safe transit of the ultra-large ships, up to 400 metres in length, along the navigation channel and across the turning basin of the Port of Genoa.