Today, Paolo Emilio Signorini, the President of the Port Authority of the Western Ligurian Sea, has been officially nominated Commissioner of the New Breakwater of the Port of Genoa by the Italian Minister of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility
16 April 2021 - The Government appointment has been established by an ad-hoc Act specifically dedicated to the implementation of 57 strategic major public works across Italy to rebuild and upgrade the nation's infrastructure.
A total of 29 Commissioners have been assigned to oversee the completion of a range of projects for a total value of 82.7 billion euros, a combination of Italian public expenditure and Next Generation EU fund. The government programme of core projects include 16 dedicated to rail infrastructure, 14 to road and 3 to ports, comprising the construction of Genoa's new 1.3 billion euro breakwater designed to cater for the requirements of the latest generation of ultra-large containers ships and cruise vessels in Italy's premier gateway port.
The newly appointed Commissioners will also be able to benefit from a range of streamlined procedures, introducing added flexibility and a sharp reduction in the time required for the completion of projects considered vital to addressing longstanding economic challenges across the country. The scale of the Government proposal capitalises upon the opportunity to create jobs in the short run and strengthen Italian competitiveness in the long run.