The new programme agreement for the industrial redevelopment of Savona, with the allocation of 50 million euros, was signed this morning at the local Confederation of Italian Industry headquarters.
Savona, 14 September - Twenty-one local town authorities are set to benefit from the funds released by the agreement signed by the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority, the Ministry for Industry and Made in Italy, the Ministry for Infrastructure and Transport, Liguria Region, Province of Savona, Invitalia and ANPAL (Italian Employment Agency).
The funding due to be allocated is 50 million euros, 30 million earmarked by central government, across the financial resources of the Sustainable Growth Fund and Invitalia Spa, and the remaining 20 million euros assigned by Liguria Region across the 2021-2027 European Regional Development Fund, which breaks down into 15 million euros dedicated to the revival of derelict manufacturing areas, 3 million euros in support of research and technological innovation, and 2 million euros to assist new start-ups.
"Thanks to the full support of the Ministry for Industry, Ministry for Infrastructure and the Liguria Region, in close collaboration with the local industry associations, the programme agreement vital to the development of the reconversion process of this area has been signed," declared the newly appointed Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority Government Commissioner, Paolo Piacenza, who attended the event remotely. "The Port Authority, which groups together Italy's premier port cluster, with a wide-ranging economic impact on the Ligurian region and an important contribution to local employment, guaranteeing an estimated 31,000 jobs directly and 77,000 indirectly, is firmly committed to the revival of this strategic area of Savona, and we are confident that the local authorities are all on track to deliver the results. The Ports of Genoa are carrying out a sizable investment programme to improve accessibility of the ports both by sea and by land, set to consolidate the role of the Port of Savona-Vado Ligure as a modern logistics platform. The agreement sealed today will further boost the growth of our ports. Furthermore, within this framework, in my capacity as Commissioner for the operation of the Savona Cablecar System, I wish to underline our commitment to reviving this infrastructure facility, in cooperation with all the local authorities and in close collaboration with Vice-Minister Rixi who has always provided the full support of the Ministry for Infrastructure and Transport."